VOLLEY BORÉAL is an inclusive Montreal volleyball club, founded with the aim of promoting the practice and development of the sport among members and allies of the LGBTQ+ community.
VOLLEY BORÉAL promotes mutual respect, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, income or ability.
The hard work of the Transitional Committee, through two consultative meetings and two special general meetings, led to the merger of VOLLEYBALL LAMBDA and LASCAR. The brand new non-profit association, VOLLEY BORÉAL, began its activities on September 22, 2004. The club was legally incorporated on February 27, 2007.
From that moment on, the official name of the organization became VOLLEY BORÉAL, an LGBT volleyball club in Montreal.
Volleyball Lambda, a competitively focused gay volleyball club, began operations in 1982 and since 1983 has organized the BIG JUMP tournament, often sanctioned by the North American Gay Volleyball Association (NAGVA) and widely attended by American participants.
Lascar, a gay volleyball league focused on participation and with a focus on the social aspect, began its operations in 1983 and since 1998 has organized its international tournament, L'ODYSSÉE, reminiscent of the mythological adventures of Ulysses.
VOLLEY BORÉAL offers game nights for everyone, from recreational (beginner), intermediate and advanced levels. More than 200 members attend the club on a regular basis throughout the year. Game nights are held indoors during the fall (September to December) and winter (January to April) seasons, and then outdoors during the beach volleyball season (May to September). The club also occasionally organizes training and refereeing clinics, intended only for its members.
VOLLEY BORÉAL organizes the annual Holiday Tournament during the month of December, the ODYSSEY Tournament during the Easter weekend as well as the Pride Tournament during the pride festivities in Montreal.
VOLLEY BORÉAL is a member of Team Montreal and Volleyball Quebec.