Monday League

  • There are no fees for Intermediate and Advanced levels. The captain must complete the required form.

    A fee of $15.00 is required for the Recreational level. Individuals must register via the calendar according to the available slots, which update automatically.

    However, it is mandatory for all players to be affiliated with Volleyball Quebec.

    The affiliation expires on September 30 of each year.

    Click here for affiliation.

  • A list of substitutes is available for you. Click here to access to it.

    Intermediate and advanced level :
    The captain is responsible of contacting the person and scheduling the substitution.

  • A register has been set up to monitor teams that have used substitutes.

    Click here to complete the registration form.

    You can consult the register by clicking here

  • Here is a link that you can send to the substitute with all the informations :