Registrations for the 2024-2025 season are close

Thank you to the intermediate and advanced team members for completing their registration and affiliation with Volleyball Québec.

Thank you to the recreational members for completing their affiliation with Volleyball Québec.

Further down, you will find the link to the updated list of teams. We ask the cooperation of the captains of the intermediate and advanced levels to inform team members who have not completed their registration for the season or the year, as well as their affiliation with Volleyball Québec


Court :

Pool 8 on the 5th floor.

Modality: Registration is done individually and we will form random teams every Monday

Guide : In order to welcome you, we have designed the Player's Guide. You will find all the details on how game nights work at Volley Boréal LGBTQ+ as well as game rules for beginners. 

Report your absence: Please update the calendar to inform us of your absence and thus provide a replacement person. For all the details:

Courts :

Pools 5, 6 on the 3rd floor
Pool 7 on the 5th floor

Modality: Payment for registrations is made individually and captains must complete the disclosure form to provide us with the list of names of their team members. The teams from the previous season are prioritized.

Disclosure List:

Masters must disclose and update their team members. If you are forming a new team and the winter 2024 name does not apply, enter N/A. This is done via the following form:

Courts :

Pools 1 and 2 on the 5th floor
Pools 3 and 4 on the 3rd floor

Modality: Payment for registrations is made individually and captains must complete the disclosure form to provide us with the list of names of their team members. The teams from the previous season are prioritized.

Disclosure List:

Masters must disclose and update their team members. If you are forming a new team and the winter 2024 name does not apply, enter N/A. This is done via the following form:


To find out everything about the rankings and schedules for the Monday league, click-here

For the action plan, click-here


You must be affiliated as a regional player with Volleyball Québec to participate in the Volley Boréal LGBTQ+ leagues.

Your membership will remain active until September 30 of each year.

The fall season begins on September 9, 2024.

Mandatory membership for the year 2024-2025 is available towards this link :

Guide registration and payment


Every Monday, after game nights, at la Traverne Le Trèfle located at 3971 Ontario Street East.